Privacy Policy

One of the most important parts of our website is about Privacy Policy for users. This is a special list of rules that is necessary and shows obligations and regulations that work for personal info of our users.

Basis And Collecting

First, you should know that all personal data is collected absolutely legally. There is also a Know-Your-Customer policy on the website that 1win Vietnam fully supports, and that is why collecting information is necessary for the company to function.

We also divide the collected info in different groups, depending on the way it i collected. Such as the one that customers provide directly, for example, your age, phone number, email, address, and others. There is also information that is collected automatically, it includes IP address, OS, device type, and browser settings.

You should also know that we also collect it with Cookies, which helps us to provide relevant services for you. We also collect data to prevent fraudulent activity.

Protection Of Data

All the information that is collected by 1win Vietnam is stored under protection, and there are certain obligations that we must follow in order to protect info. Different security protocols are used to defend personal data from leaks.

The list of them includes special Transport Layer Security encryption and network protection protocols. 1win Vietnam employees also do not have access to data, and Secure data centers work 24/7 to protect it.


The personal information is also provided to some third parties. Other companies in the 1win group can receive it too. Also, some third parties are directly involved in providing services at 1win Vietnam. We also have obligations to give users’ personal data of users to different official regulators, law enforcement agencies, courts, and other official institutions. So that 1win Vietnam can function legally and provide safe and secure services.

Use of the information

The personal data can be used in different ways. First, it shows if the user can receive our services. For example, if he is under 18 years old, then services will not be provided.

We use it to improve our services and manage them according to user’s preferences. It is also about the statistics and analyses inside the company. Of course, the data is also used to prevent crimes and fraudulent activity on the site, such as money laundering, and others. Some of the provided information also helps us to give you details about new bonuses and promotions, features, and options that are offered on the website.

Data Changes and Deletion

Of course, some of the personal information can be changed or deleted if you want or if it is necessary. When it is finally deleted, it is completely removed from our servers.

For example, if you changed your address, or name and surname, you can contact the Support Service to change the info about you on the site. You can also delete your posts in chat and close and delete your account.

But you should know, that some information that is connected with your account will not be deleted for 5 years after the process. That is how we can defend ourselves. In addition to that, some data can be given to other gambling organizations according to the Responsible Gaming policy in case of self-exclusion.